Saturday, August 16, 2008

Just a bunch of cute pictures!

Poor {cry} Baby!!

Ok...this is the cutest thing ever! She has done this since she was a newborn! When she cries, she will whimper for an hour or so after she is done crying! On this particular day, Effie cried in the the time we got home, she had fallen asleep. When I took this video, she had been asleep for at least 30 minutes...listen to how much she is still whimpering. It is so funny and cute!

Funny Eye!!

Look at this funny smashed eyelash. She is so cute...what's up with the eyelash?!?

Happy Birthday Grammy!

Last Sunday was my Mom's birthday. We had a little family party. My sister, Julia made the most yummy fajitas! We missed my Dad, but we were able to talk to him on the web cam. It's so fun because we get to see him!!! He is doing well in Kuwait. He said it's 120 degrees there! Ouch!!! We had a fun day as a family celebrating my Mom's birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!!

Princess Gets a New Toy!!

At the bbq last week, Effie played in Iris' ExerSaucer and LOVED it! She had so much fun in it...I told Gabe that we have to get one for Effie. I had a gift card for Babies R Us, so the next day, I went and picked one up for her. She has so much fun in it!! There is so much for her to do and she just loves it! It is so cute to watch her in it! I love that she is so stimulated by all the toys. The seat turns all the way around so she plays from all sides. FUN!!

Effie playing in Iris' ExerSaucer.

Effie playing in her new ExerSaucer.

All Dogs Go to Heaven.

Last week was a pretty tough week for us...especially Gabe. On Thursday, we had to send his dog, Chato to heaven. It was so sad!!! Gabe had Chato since he was a puppy. He was such a good dog...he was 15 years old! Chato lived a very good life; he started to get very sick, and we all knew that it was just the right thing to do. We miss you Chato!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Summer BBQ fun!!

Last weekend we went to a bbq at my sister-in-law's parents house. It was so much fun! We did have to leave a little early because Gabe got a call, but that's just how it's all good. The time we did spend there was fun. Effie got to see cousin's Iris and Alyssa. Oh...check out this bbq grill! My sister-in-law, Alicia's dad BUILT this!! By himself!!!

Alicia & Mr. Zamora...(he built that bbq!!)

Gabe & Martin

Baby Iris playing with...well, everything! She's a very busy girl!Gabe & our niece, Alyssa.
Alyssa & Effie

Brother's and Babies!! This is Gabe and his brother Eddie with his daughter, Iris...and Effie of course.

Visit with Grandma & Grandpa Aldana.

Last week we went and visited Gabe's Mom and Dad. It was fun because we don't really get to see them that often. With Gabe's work schedule, it's hard for us to get over there as much as we would like to. Our goal is to go visit more often. His Mom gets so VERY excited when she sees Effie! She is totally in love with her! The minute we walk through the door she picks Effie up and doesn't give her back unless Effie is hungry, or we are going home. We are glad that Effie has such good grandparents.

Effie loves it when we blow bubbles for her! She reaches out for them and just can't keep her eyes off of is so cute!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rolling over!

Effie rolled over today for the first time! It was so neat! I had her on her tummy for tummy time and next thing I knew, she was rolling onto her back! I am so glad I got to see was great! I immediately ran into the living room to get Gabe and the camera...check it out...

She's so proud of herself. Look at that big smile in the last picture after she is done rolling over.

Now we just need to work on rolling from her back to her tummy. :-) She is such a joy!


We HAD to give Effie prunes...I won't go into details. :-) Anyway...we fed Effie prunes yesterday and she loved them! The first bite was so funny because she wasn't quite sure if she liked them or not, but by the fourth bite, she couldn't get enough. Good thing she liked them because they worked!!