Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Fun Place Called "The Sea Lab"

On December 27th, we went to this place in Redondo Beach called The Sea Lab. It is a sea life animal rescue facility. It is a really neat place, you are able to touch and hold most of the animals and you really learn a lot. All the kids - and adults - had a really great time!
Julia, Jesse, Eric, Chelsea.

Auntie Chelsea
Jesse (That big round creature in the water is a sea snail)
Auntie Kim, Jace, and a starfish.
Mommy, Effie, and a starfish.
Daddy picking up a starfish.
Effie and Jesse (They both LOVE playing together!)
Mommy and Effie looking at the sea bass.
Effie and Auntie Shannon.
R.J., Eric, Jace, and Auntie Julia.
Effie and Daddy looking at the sea horses.

These are baby sea horses.

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